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Release Week!

Okay, so release week was two weeks ago, but I've been neglecting my poor website. I want to say a big, BIG thank you to everyone who has shared their books and shared my story. It means the world to me and I'm so thrilled that so many of you have enjoyed "The Last Leviathan."

I do have some exciting news on top of my wonderful release. "The Last Leviathan," sequel, "The Monarchs," has been given an official release date of January 23rd, 2025! So less than six months away!

So while you are enjoying, "The Last Leviathan," just know that I'm working my butt off to have the sequel ready to go. Levi and Mae's story is far from over, and they have several more hurdles before they can have their happy ending.

Stay tuned and I'll be posting monthly updates for Book Two of the Guardians of Farlight Isles series!

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