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The Last Leviathan

Maeve Cross never felt like a princess. She didn’t belong in a high tower, married off to the highest bidder. She ached for freedom. A longing for the sea that she didn’t understand. After being pushed over the edge, she runs, taking her destiny in her own hands for the first time in her life.

She stows away on a pirate ship because she would rather walk the plank than share her awful husband’s bed.

Captain Leviathan has three goals in life: keep his crew alive, fill their pockets, and protect them from the Cross family of tyrants. He never accounted for Maeve. Not once.

They can’t help themselves by the bonds of fate that tie them together. Not even as they deny each other their attraction.

After all, a tyrant’s daughter and a scorned captain couldn’t possibly work. Could it?

But fate has other plans as the mysteries surrounding Farlight Isles start to unravel like a loose thread. Every new thread leaves Maeve questioning everything her father taught her as it challenges her own identity.

Despite it all, Maeve saw that the only constant… was Captain Leviathan.

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